E d u E x p e r t
  • Electronic City, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560100
  • info@eduexpert.in
  • Mon _ Sat: 10.00 to 18.00

Updates:Eduexpert Welcomes Vaccinated Residents for Travel as of Oct 02, 2021... Read More

Contact - Eduexpert

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Eduexpert, 2nd Floor, Lavakusha Nagar, Pragathi Nagar, Hosa Road, E-City(PO), Bengaluru - 560100.

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Quick Contact

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Opening Hrs

  • Mon - Friday:

    09.30 am to 06.00 pm

  • Saturday:

    10.00 am to 05.00 pm

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Worlwide Offices

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Eduexpert, 2nd Floor, Lavakusha Nagar, Pragathi Nagar, Hosa Road, E-City(PO), Bengaluru - 560100.


524, Kohler Trail, 907 Jalon Overpass Apt. 372, Maryland, Elizaton-S9C9C5


3, Alfreda Way, 84 Nikolaus Upper, Victoria, New Edwin-2995

United Kingdom

12972, Vincent Manors, 6227 Sandra Glens Suite 595, Vermont, Lamarport, 11948-5498

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